
It is a matter of great pleasure that PPHI-B has published it website. On this occasion, I advise PPHI-B professionals come out from routine work with innovations in program, ideas or practices that are implemented, adopted or disseminated in health services delivery. It is about doing things differently. The incorporation of innovation is often discussed in terms of the 'Diffusion of Innovations' theory, which focuses on the qualities that make an innovation successful, how well it is accepted by health professionals and having an understanding of how different patients and clients use the innovation. As a health promoter I tell you that burden placed on the primary health care sector has increased due to decreased low financing and priority of incentives to implement prevention strategies. I suggest some valid points regarding the opportunity to reduce the cost of healthcare through 'relationship-centered primary care', which moves from individual care towards community care. Given the importance of prevention in the fight against the current spiraling burden of preventable disease and the lack of utilization of prevention initiatives, it is imperative that we find effective ways to manage both treatment and prevention in a primary care setting. Ensuring that women are as healthy as possible during their pregnancy is important to guarantee the best possible start in life for their child. It is some of the major activities which are being undertaken by the PPHI-B towards improving maternal and infant health. Developed countries struggle with the demands for quality, specialized care, undeveloped countries try to balance service coverage with cost containment, and poorer countries focus on the provision of basic health care and the escalating burden of lifestyle disease. Innovations in these vastly different settings need to be tailored to the settings and end users. We need to investigate the possibility of using new technological innovations to improve patient care and maximize opportunities that streamline processes in order to see the benefits across all sectors of primary health care. Innovation does not need to be novel or ground breaking; it just needs to be something that you have not been tried before – something different. It could be as simple as setting up online appointments that are linked with standard procedures such as handwritten ledgers or computer scheduling. This additional option can signicantly improve accessibility, particularly with the increased electronic connectivity that has become part of the everyday-life of younger generations. As with any new innovation, it is essential to plan well, implement in full as intended and evaluate its effectiveness in the short and long term. In the last but not least there are many health promotion innovations that could benefit the PHC sector and assist in the continuity of care across the entire health care system. It is up to health professionals and workforce to embrace the idea of change through innovation and to make a concerted effort to implement the same.

Munir Badini


It gives me pleasure to report the progress PPHI Balochistan has achieved over past few years. As a student and manager of Primary Healthcare, I have observed and analyzed the performance by PPHI- B. Primary health care is an approach to designing and delivering frontline health services that lays a foundation for achieving universal health coverage. Universal health coverage is one of the targets of the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3): “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. PPHI-B is focusing all component of PHC since its inception; during last three years partnership between Balochistan Nutrition Program for Mother and Children (A World Bank Grant Program) have provided many opportunities, experiences and provision of service to malnourished children and pregnant & lactating mother in seven districts of Balochistan. The high incidence and severity of many diseases in the developing world are due to an unbroken cycle of infection and malnutrition, each reinforcing and capable of initiating the other. A lesson learned through this project was that primary health care approach to community health problems is particularly well suited to break this cycle of infection and malnutrition, because it can bring so many essential elements to bear simultaneously. For example, individual, family, and community involvement is the key to ensuring that necessary, but simple and inexpensive, preventive action is taken. Information and education help mothers and other family members to understand how to keep their children healthy, why their children might not be growing properly, and how to treat infection. Proper nutrition is important both as a preventive measure and as part of treatment. Safe water and basic sanitation, with personal hygiene and food safety, are essential to preserving health. Twelve years after the unanimous adoption of primary health care for poor and marginalized people of Balochistan as our main social target, can we say that our high expectations about primary health care's contribution to better quality of healthcare are being justified? The varied stages of success of PPHI-B in Balochistan have at least four features in common and way forward: .The primary health care activities being pursued explicit nutritional objectives as measures of their successful outcome. .Health care components are carefully selected to match identied problems, and their implementation is sustained at an adequate level and for an adequate period to be effective. .Monitoring and evaluation are built-in facets of service delivery and allow flexibility for swift corrective action where necessary. ·Community involvement is considered a prerequisite, not only in making use of services, but in developing suitable mechanisms for the planning, operation, and control of community health care programs.Let the efforts grow.....

Aziz Ahmad Jamali

Secretary Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department, Balochistan