The project was implemented in seven districts of Balochistan Noshki, Kharan, Panjgur, Sibi, Kohlu, Killa Saifullah and Zhob. The nutritional status of women and children under five in Balochistan generally showed a dismal picture but in targeted districts for nutrition program the situation was from bad to worse; due to wide spread poverty, weak and meager income generating opportunities, disperse population, weak communication links, and high rate of illiteracy especially among the women in rural areas where more than 80% inhabitants live.

Widespread micronutrient deficiency is found in women. For example, more than 50% pregnant women were anemic; more than 40% were deficient of Zinc, Vitamin A and D. Exclusive breast-feeding women estimated more than 60% in overall Pakistan but it estimated to be more women feed exclusively in Balochistan, instead of starting weaning after six months. Among the children under five more than 40% found to be stunted, more than 60% were wasted and 32% were underweight. Widespread micro nutrition deficiency is a permanent feature among the children under five in Balochistan. In the report detail work plan along with deliverable in timeline has been spelled out. Implementation arrangements, proposed methodology, objective roles, and responsibilities have also been discussed in the report. Details of nutritional service delivery, implementation structure and key human resources were also discussed in the report. It also discusses the log frame with Performance Indicators and activities detail to achieve the targets.

Coordination mechanism and institutional arrangements were also discussed in the report. Community mobilization and their support for the successful implementation of nutrition program is one of the key areas which have taken care of in this report. Mechanism for developing OTPs and management of CMAM also discussed in this inception report.

More than 19000 SAM children 75000 children under 2 years and 268024 children under 5 screened for Mal nourishment during project implementation period. More than 71000 PLW’s were screened for to identify nutritional deciencies and treatment provided according to need which was one of the big achievements of the nutrition program in preventing maternal death by providing nutritional commodities and other medical care.


The overall objective is to contribute to a significant improvement in the nutritional situation within Enhanced Nutrition for Mother & Children Project (ENMCP) target areas in line with the objectives and respective indicators of the program. The specific objectives and respective initiative with PPHI-B:

1. To ensure access and utilization to quality nutrition services mainly Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM), maternal, Infant & Young Child Feeding (IYCF) through PPHI managed Basic Health Units and its Community Support Groups to target population in a phased manner.

2. To increase availability, access and consumption of micronutrients through home based fortification and supplementation in the population served in the catchment areas of the health facilities managed by PPHI.

3. To increase awareness and knowledge among the communities in the catchment areas of the PPHI managed BHUs on optimal maternal infant and young child feeding practices.


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