The PPHI Balochistan was established in 2006-2007. The country launched a “Primary Health Care Model 1999” (later known as PPHI) in district Rahim Yar Khan in 2003 on pilot basis which was an instant success. This not only reinforced the government’s confidence in the effectiveness of the project, but also gave it a hope that the ailing PHC sector could be reinvigorated through a partnership arrangement.

In the following years, the government began contracting out the management and execution of primary health services to the People’s Primary Healthcare Initiative (PPHI). The 18th Constitutional amendment enhanced provincial autonomy by transferring, among other things, the subject of health to the provinces. Having the health sector in its purview and considering PPHI’s previous performance, the Government of Balochistan decided to renew the agreement with PPHI-B for delivery of primary healthcare services. So far, over 653 Basic Health Units and Health Facilities BHUs/HFs across thirty-three districts of Balochistan have been taken over by PPHI-B under the renewed agreement. PPHI Balochistan now operates as a not-for-profit registered company with an eminent Board of Directors.

Public-private partnerships are increasingly seen as playing a critical role in improving the performance of health systems worldwide, by bringing together the best characteristics of the public and private sectors to improve efficiency, quality, innovation, and health impact of both private and public systems. Yet, we also know that while partnerships can be an effective force toward achieving these results, they are not a magic solution to the many problems that now faced by health systems in Balochistan and countrywide. If partnerships are to be effective in addressing the issues of poverty reduction and equity, quality improvement, and cost containment, considerable work will need to be done to develop the accountability and transparency, the legal and regulatory framework, and the mutual trust that is necessary for partnerships to succeed.

What we do

PPHI Balochistan is strengthening the primary health care agenda; and creating better functional links between programs with specific health outcomes in light of PHC principals:

  1. Commitment to health equity as part of development oriented to social justice;
  2. Community participation in defining and implementing health agenda;
  3. Appropriate Technology
  4. Inter-sectoral approaches to health.
  5. Human Resource Development


Now PPHI Balochistan has followed the National Health Vision Pakistan 2016-2025, which unveiled & endorsed by all federal and provincial ministers on August 30, 2016. “To improve the health of all Pakistanis with focus on Balochistan, particularly women and children, through universal access to affordable quality essential health services, and delivered through resilient and responsive health system, ready to attain Sustainable Development Goals and fulfill its other global health responsibilities”.



PPHI Balochistan NPO


  • To improve the health of rural areas and urban slums and reduce preventable mortality and morbidity, especially among women and children to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Specially Goal 3 (GoodHealth and Well-being)
  • To ensure that rural and urban slums will receive good quality preventive, promotive and curative services;
  • To sustain improvement in Primary Health Care by building capacity of healthcare providers; and
  • To plan, manage, monitor & evaluate health care services and improve the health infrastructure with a focus on BHUs/ FLHF